Digital transformation for Architects

The architectural community has seen even greater adoption of digital technology, especially over the last two challenging years, to help bring dispersed teams together and streamline project delivery. We are helping architects engage with the challenges of a rapidly changing world and embrace digital opportunities to develop and maintain a strong delivery mechanism. This is not simply a need to adapt, but an imperative for future operations & growth.
At The Smart Architects, we encourage and enable design consultants to start their digital transformation journey, which is not just a need to overcome today’s problems, but an imperative for future growth. Our digital services include:




  1. Discovery phase – Understand your current technology level & your appetite for future  digital adoption. 
  2. Set-up phase – We build the technology & digital capability most suited to your current  & future requirements.
  3. Execution phase – Plan, roll out & train your team to work in a digital environment.
  4.  Review phase – Periodic reviews of progress and suggest improvements for further   technology & digital scaling up.


Digital enablement & transformation for architectural firms is a large part of what we do at The Smart Architect. Our senior partners have facilitated and managed the technology & digital requirements of several of our clients. We have enabled architectural design firms to adapt to technology change and benefit in terms of better online presence, internal cost control, efficient project delivery & employee management. Whether it is BIM, VR or simple productivity tools, we ensure your firm is future-ready.


Digital transformation is not just the adoption of a set of technologies. Rather, it is a fundamental shift in culture, supported and facilitated by technology. Architects need not be intimidated by technology and must know that a small beginning is good enough. We ensure that the digital transformation process is a seamless shift into the future.

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