Inspired employees deliver profits for the firm


An architectural or engineering design consultancy is only as good as its people. A ‘Practice’ stands out because of its creativity & customer focus and most firms are very people-led organizations. Leadership, teams & employees are the key drivers to any firm’s growth.Leadership, teams & employees are the key drivers to any firm’s growth.

There are numerous human resource challenges that architecture & engineering firms face. Principals and senior team members are constantly looking at ways by which to get their house in order on the HR function side. Here are some of the problems our clients share with us –




  1. Discovery phase 
    Understand current HR practices, your goals for the firm and create a plan to align current state with desired state.
  2. Set-up phase
    Build the foundation for a strong HR function. In this phase, we work with you to develop policies, formats and processes, so that the system runs on auto pilot mode. This saves senior people time otherwise utilized managing people’s issues.
  3. Execution phase 
    The HR plan is brought to life in this phase. As an outsource engagement, we run it for you for the first few months and gradually build a system for you to take over & run it seamlessly.
  4. Review phase 
    A critical phase of the engagement is to monitor & analyse the HR function of your firm. Periodic reviews are conducted to ensure that there is no slip and implementation is running as desired.


People enablement for architecture and engineering firms is a large part of what we do at The Smart Architect. Our senior partners have built, led and managed teams, thereby helping firms to scale. In the post pandemic world, HR as a function has made a big shift and architects must adopt new ways of people management. We help you build and manage effective teams.


A well implemented HR function can work wonders for your Firm. At the very basic, it clarifies management and employee expectations, streamlines HR processes and builds a team that is motivated to perform in a culture of professionalism, trust & responsibility.

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