The first step to growing your architecture firm


The first step to growth and value intervention is always strategy. Today we have more architects per state than we had a decade ago. As the economic growth slows and the number of architects rises, competition for projects will ramp up. To counter high competition, you’ll need a rock-solid strategy for your architecture firm. Firms without a strategic plan will get left behind, and those with plans will rocket ahead and grow in the coming years. With The Smart Architect, you get an implementable strategy document, all ready to take your firm to greater heights.


Architects have shared some common concerns with us, which have accelerated in recent years.


The Smart Strategy workshop is designed to offer you the space to pause, reflect and analyze the journey thus far, but more importantly to explore and plan for the growth ahead.



Smart Strategy Workshop Goals

The Smart Strategy workshop is designed to offer you the space to pause, reflect and analyse the journey thus far, but more importantly to explore and plan for the growth ahead. The process we adopt guides you to achieve the following:
  • Map your current reality / Where you want to be in 2-3 years / The ideal state you would aspire to in 4-5 years.
  • Define the key strategic drivers for your firm.
  • Understand what you do best, combine this with what you are passionate about and what drives the economic engine of your firm.
  • Chart your strengths, understand your weaknesses, look at the opportunities, be aware of the threats.
  • Understand the attributes required to attain an Ideal State including:
  • Identify the building blocks required to consistently move your firm toward an Ideal State including:
    1. Capabilities
    2. New business
    3. Higher fee value
    4. Client retention
    5. Cash flow management
    6. Partnerships
    7. Mergers
    8. Acquisitions
    9. Stakeholder structure


  • This is a 1- day workshop followed by a half day review session
  • Mode of delivery – Hybrid ( Online + Onsite )
  • Head of functions, BUS and projects are encouraged to be a part of the workshop along with the top management
  • The workshop outputs are then used to create a recommendation report that will be presented to the top management in the review session

Workshop facilitators

Our senior consultants have decades of experience facilitating strategy workshops. There is often a tendency during a strategic planning workshop to wander away from the topic of discussion.

A skilled strategy workshop facilitator ensures that participants are led back to the central topic, while at the same time allowing space to explore and develop new ideas. Our facilitators have the experience to help you develop and structure your ideas to create a Strategy Plan that will succeed.


Several architects have benefitted by our wide view of the firm, offered in the Smart Strategy workshop.

At the end of the workshop, architects clearly understand the health of each of their departments and the interconnectedness between them. The Strategy document lays out the direction and tangible actions that have to be undertaken to reach the defined goals.

” Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is.”
-Seth Godin

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